Tesla Tracks. Ever heard of it? Well, it's not the label run by Elon Musk, but by our own Greg Peaks, and he's been releasing a lot of excellent Freeform music since the label was created. The majority of anthems are made or remade or remixed by Greg Peaks. He's involved in his own project a lot, and that's good, because we know Greg loves and makes excellent Freeform music. But does this mix do his label and his hard work any justice? Is it worth your precious time?
The answer is yes, and as you would expect, this mix has been made by a regular to this website: M@rt!n-J. Yet another mix for us die hard Freeform fanatics. It's unbelievable: he keeps on making mixes over and over again. He never stops. Does he actually have time to breathe? But all jokes aside, he has done it yet again, and I would like to thank him for making my Friday evening even better.
The mix contains ONLY records released on Tesla Tracks. That should be a no-brainer. Simple maths. 16 tracks in 66 minutes. We are all being treated nicely today. Well, it has been a shit day today, so let's end it on a high note, and rave until the morning Sun arrives! Press play right now!

01. Greg Peaks & Transcend - Reboot
02. Greg Peaks - Energy
03. Greg Peaks - Technician
04. Greg Peaks - Music Spheres
05. Poisecore - Awakening
06. Ephexis - Intensify (Greg Peaks & Solution Remix)
07. Greg Peaks - Love That Passion
08. Douglas - Ice Cream (Greg Peaks' XXTC Remix)
09. Ponder - Alignment (Greg Peaks' Ultra Violet Remix)
10. Greg Peaks - Darkness
11. Greg Peaks - Now
12. Greg Peaks - From Concentrate
13. Greg Peaks - States Of Consciousness
14. Greg Peaks - Deadly Nightshade
15. Greg Peaks & Kevin Energy - Bang Clara
16. Greg Peaks - Over The Moon
Well, this mix delivers. Just what I need. I am sitting here, in my 'home' office, and I've had to listen to bloody radio the whole 8 hours, but after my shift finished (and my wife finished working too), it became my 'music' room. I dictate in this room what kind of music is being played. The only room in the house I'm allowed to do so.
Anyway, M@rt!n-J delivers yet another mix, and he has picked a huge player in the Freeform scene. Tesla Tracks is a boss label, and Greg Peaks is a boss too. Just listen to this mix. Let the music come through those flimsy speakers, and let them enrich you fully. You need this kind of music, to relieve yourself from a hard day at work. And most of us do have hard days at work, so why not reload yourself of stress, and let Tesla take you into another dimension.
No, this mix is not to celebrate Elon Musk's music career, or to get the fanboys of Tesla hyped up. Well, you could drive a Tesla AND listen to this mix. How's that for a combo? A good one. Tesla Tracks, music for our future.
I'm joking, as I usually do. But I'm loving the vibes. I love the tracks, each and every one of them. You can tell it's a Greg track, it's got this distinctive sound, so recognisable, but then you think you know what is coming, and he hits you hard with a deep drop, or fantastic bit of musical bla bla I cannot even describe. Heavenly.
The best one in this mix? Well, fair is fair, the first record in this mix. Can't remember when I heard this for the first time, but it blew me into a million pieces. Two bosses, together in one track.
A wicked Freeform mix. Now go, and enjoy the upcoming weekend. And stay safe, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Save the NHS, save yourself too!

DJ: M@rt!n-J
Genre/Style: Freeform
Mix Info: Tesla Tracks
Length Mix: 01:06:02
Tracks: 16 (sixteen)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): DOWNLOAD/LISTEN
File Size: 167.8 MB
File Type: mp3
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
More Information: Tesla Tracks - Official Website