You might be wondering 'why is TCD always playing extremely dark and edgy Techno'? Well, that's because I like my Techno slightly harder and faster. But I do acknowledge the early stuff. But when we talk early stuff, what is actually early stuff? And that's where today's mix comes into play. You see, for those Techno lovers who find the present day Techno too much, this mix might be something you are interested in. All tracks from 1989 to 1991. So yeah, the early stuff. As as much as I can tell, they are German too. Two birds with one stone, anyone?
I did grew up with Techno, but only discovered the early stuff years later, when the Techno bubble kind of exploded into multiple styles. But I can say with a hand on my heart that I do only know the most 'well known' Techno anthems from the early 90s. Not these obscure records that Roland_Korg has selected for his mix.
My understanding of the German language is limited, but I'm guessing that the comment underneath the mix relates to the present day, it being 'no one knows what the future brings'? That being said, let's focus on the late 80s/early 90s music he has selected. They are obscure. They are proper early sounding records. Proper Techno as we all know them!
Let's see these Techno anthems!

Scene - The Future Of Music
Kattivik - Kosmik Beat (Kattivik Version Mix)
Lhasa - Acetabularia
Klangwerk - Die Kybernauten
Psycho Team - Psycho
Techno Bert - Neue Dimensionen
Blind Vision - Don't Look At Me (Razormaid Mix)
Friends Of Carlotta - Fingerfoc
Master Program - Jump Into The Light
Hypnopedia - Hypnopedia 666
Data File - Bass Mokanik
Technoline - T.I.M.E. (Resolution 606 Mix)
Wow, even the tracklist looks German. I do apologise if anyone isn't German who made one of these records, but in a funny way they do look so German. Yes, I am fully aware of certain titles being German like 'Die Kybernauten', 'Neue Dimensionen' etc, but the whole tracklist just looks so late 80s, and German
This was from an era when music was evolving, and with these 12 records you do hear elements which are used in 'future' records. These records set the bench mark for future records, and they are being sampled over and over again. Testimony that the music is timeless.
Would I loose myself completely on the dancefloor in 2020, when I hear these anthems? I would say no. Sadly these records are too 80s/early 90s. Too soft at certain times. Cool, no doubt about that. But sometimes a bit too dull. I wouldn't even know how to dance to this kind of Techno? For me the best way to listen to this, is at home, or when you are driving in your car.
So is this mix the ultimate Techno mix? Sadly not. The records are OK, some memorable, and some forgettable. And sadly there are a few mixing errors, but nothing major. Maybe I am a bit too young to understand the early Techno sound?
Still nice to hear a mix that is dedicated to the early Techno sound. I shall delve into this kind of Techno more often. I promise.
The coolest record in this mix has to be 'Hypnopedia'. This is packed with 80s nostalgia. Maybe the only good track I could dance too?

DJ: Roland_Korg
Genre/Style: Techno, New Beat, Techno Club, Trance, Tekkno
Mix Info: The Real Techno Mix 12.0 V2
Length Mix: 00:56:19
Tracks: 12 (twelve)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): LISTEN HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Release Year: 2020
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
More Information: Roland_Korg - Soundcloud Page