I don't know why, but I've been having a classic Trance urge for the last few weeks. I need to hear more Trance, especially those anthems that were the dancefloor smashers from around the Millennium period. Maybe it's because Trance is the only style the wife listens to, when we are sitting in our home office for 8+ hours due to bloody COVID-19. No Hardcore, no Hardstyle, no Speedcore, no Dubstep, nothing. It is Trance, or stupid radio. So Trance it is. And it's not so bad, if you think about it.
I just typed in 'Classic Trance' on Soundcloud, and one of the mixes it showed me, was by Binary Finary, made 7 years ago. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, the records they picked, are exactly what I want to see, if I think about early Trance anthems. Everyone has got a different opinion about early Trance anthems, but to me it's definitely the Millennium sound I'm referring to. And Binary Finary, already legends within the Trance scene, made this awesome, one hour long, mix. And of course they had to add their own anthem in there. Understandable.
The tracklist is beautiful. Really beautiful. You might need to check it out, if you haven't already.

01. Three Drives - Greece 2000 (DJ Shog Remix)
02. Travel - Bulgarian (Signum Remix)
03. Marc et Claude - La (Moonman's Flashover Mix)
04. Jonah - Sssst (Listen)
05. Cosmic Gate - Firewire (Original Mix)
06. Condor II - You Can Kiss My (Original Mix)
07. Nu NRG - Dreamland (Original Mix)
08. Binary Finary - 1999 (Gouryella Remix)
09. Commander Tom - Are Am Eye (Commander Tom 99 Mix)
10. Pornrockers - Cunt Licker (Pulsedriver vs DJs At Work Club Mix)
11. CJ Bolland - The Prophet (Mark Sherry & James Allan Act Of God Mix)
12. Age Of Love - Age Of Love (Lee Tracey & Stu Turner's For The Love ReFILL)
Yep, yep, yep. Just have a glance at the tracklist, and you will know why ye boi is loving this mix. This is the kind of music I grew up with, and when I did start going to Trance events, this is what I danced to the whole night. It was a magical time in TCD's history, and will never be forgotten. Sensation 2002, what a wicked event.
The other day I actually listened to a CD which contained Binary Finary's anthem, and I really enjoyed it. What a coincidence that now I'm actually listening to one of their mixes on Soundcloud. This set has taken me back to my bedroom, buying all the Trance albums available. I left the Hardcore side around the Millennium period, and Trance was the next best thing for me. I absorbed all the albums, and it was my thing. It was my jam. And the jam was good. Really good.
This unique sound cannot be replicated. And sadly isn't around anymore. It's so distinctive to the early 2000s. Some producers have tried to release records which sound similar, but it's just not the same, isn't it. And would you call present day Trance even Trance? Compare the two, and you will notice a huge difference between the two. Yes, they both bring you into a euphoric state of ecstasy, but slightly in a different way. I'd much more prefer the early sound. Nothing can beat it.
The set is really good, and has taken me into a higher state of consciousness. I'm sitting here, enjoying the music a lot. Sadly can't go out, but staying indoors and listen to wicked music ain't a bad thing, if I'm honest.
I really enjoyed the set. All the big anthems are in here. Sadly the one I enjoyed the most is reduced in length. Jonah's 'Sssst' is such an anthem and a half. Why don't they play this one more often? A filthy yet epic anthem.
A good mix to start your Saturday morning with. Let the early Trance sound take your into another atmosphere! Enjoy it as much as I have!

DJ: Binary Finary
Genre/Style: Trance
Mix Info: Trance Central 3 - Classics Set
Length Mix: 00:59:46
Tracks: 12 (twelve)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): DOWNLOAD/LISTEN
File Size: 151.1 MB
File Type: mp3
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
More Information: Binary Finary - Soundcloud Page