Halloween is happening soon. I think it's at the end of October, but I could be wrong. How come I don't know when Halloween happens? Because I don't celebrate it. I find it kind of dull, and boring. And I'm also someone who doesn't like to be scared. My vocal range goes from low to extremely high, and only cats and dogs will be able to hear me scream. Not a fan of scary stuff. Hell, I don't even watch scary films, as I'm not fond of them. And I don't like to dress up either. Happy for those that do that, but not here, in our household. So, apologies for not knowing when Halloween happens.
I surely will hear a knock on the door for some candy, but sorry little ones, that candy is for me only. Instead of sharing my candy, let's share some music instead. Much healthier, and much more enjoyable. And obviously, me being nice, the mix is focussed on Halloween, so therefore I still provide you with some happiness surrounding this festive but scary event.
The mix was made by M@rt!n-J, who has returned after a short hiatus. He's back, with a vengeance, a scary one. The tracks are all themed after Halloween, so be prepared to be scared to death! The tracks were taken from Dark Shadows 5, which was released 3 years ago. They have released a follow up, only recently, so the Dark Shadows series continues.
The series has been very successful, and I remember hearing a mix many years ago, which contained records from this spooky compilation, and was blown away by the quality. Many years later, I'm still listening to Dark Shadows, and even though I'm not a fan of Halloween, I do like the records. But do you like them too, or are you too scared? Do you plunge yourself into the darker side of life, and embrace the madness that is UKHC, Halloween themed UKHC? Are you strong enough for the darker Hardcore?
Boo! You scared yet?

Spyro - Johnny!
Al Storm - Ouija
Al Storm & Whizzkid - Trigger (M-Project Remix)
Del Toro, Al Storm & Rob IYF - Ghostbusters
Doughbwoy - Pinhead
DJ Shimamura & Al Storm - Omen
Nobody & Ezkill - Bigfoot
Mike Reverie & Limit - Universe
Jonny El - The Boogeyman
Finnbarr - Killer
Al Storm & Yade - Unleash The Beast
Disorderlee - Monster
Macks Wolf - Vampire (Rob IYF Remix)
Rob IYF & Al Storm - Zombieland
Riko & Eruption - Fright Night
Ganah & Shagge - Pandoras Box
Nizzle - Demons & Nightmares
Tamerax - Nowhere To Hide
Valkyrie - The Devils Game
Darkman & Deadhead & Al Storm & Darren Tyler - Candyman
Yonvolt - Hell On Earth
Frankenswine, Rob IYF & Al Storm - Whole World Shaking
I wasn't scared typing the tracklist, but the titles got me a bit. Not going to lie, they are scary. But they fit in well with the theme of Halloween.
M@rt!n-J has made a nice mix with some amazing records that don't get enough airtime, maybe because they would only fit during the darker times of the year, the darker side of life. But they should be played more often.
I like the theme of each record, and I love that it's such a diverse album. All these artists have got a different view on Halloween and UKHC, and the result was one insane album. With probably the best records on it being 'Killer' by Finnbarr and 'Monster' by Disorderlee.
A fantastic mix. I might not have candy to share with you all, but instead I might put my volume all the way up, and have you dancing in our street. Don't be scared, I'm not some dodgy bloke with a van who has candy in the back of it. Nah, I'm just an idiotic bloke who loves music. Scary music, it turns out to be.

DJ: M@rt!n-J
Genre/Style: UK Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, UKHC, Freeform
Mix Info: Happy Halloween (2024) [Mixed By M@rt!n-J]
Length Mix: 00:58:46
Tracks: 22 (twenty-two)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): STREAM HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
Release Year: 2024
More Information: Dark Shadows 5 - Bandcamp Website