Fan mixes. You see them more and more on social media and music platforms, and the other day I spotted yet another one. This time it was a fan mix for Smith & Brown, the upcoming Tech Trance duo who I've reviewed a few times. I did spot them a few months ago, and from that moment I got hooked. Their sound is just what I need to hear, and it turns out that I'm not the only one who is obsessed with Smith & Brown.
A fan called Hamilton (no, not the Drum & Bass DJ/producer) made this fan mix. It obviously contains original Smith & Brown records, and also a few remixes they made. And the general gist of this mix is to showcase to the world that S & B are doing the right thing. They are keeping Tech Trance interesting and vibrant. Their take on it is fresh.
'Last Landing', the track that got me excited, isn't in this mix. Disappointed? Nope. There are plenty of awesome records that Smith & Brown have made, to intoxicate us all. So let me show you the tracklist, and you will be a happy bunny.

01. Smith & Brown - Foul Matter/The Sound Of Goodbye (Extended Mix)
02. Smith & Brown - We Got The Funk (Original Mix)
03. Sied van Riel - Atomic Blonde (Smith & Brown Remix)
04. Smith & Brown - Zero Cool (Original Mix)
05. Smith & Brown - Human Resources (Original Mix)
06. Smith & Brown - Flesheater (Original Mix)
07. Andski - Blossom (Smith & Brown Remix)
08. Smith & Brown - Tilt (Extended Mix)
09. Smith & Brown - Universal Chaos (Original Mix)
10. Impact - Sands Of Persia (Smith & Brown Remix)
11. Smith & Brown - Nightmare (Original Mix)
12. Christoph - Voice Of Silence (Smith & Brown Bootleg)
This is really good stuff. Hamilton has made a fantastic fan mix, and I know that the boys are fan of this mix. Of course they are, it's filled with tunes made by themselves! What's not to like?
Well, you might be very picky and not like the fact that it's not downloadable, but if that's the reason, you are a tight arse. If you are like me, and you don't see anything wrong with this mix, you are a legend.
I've got nothing negative to comment. This is a blissfull mix, containing just the right amount of songs to keep us going. It's such a bliss. I feel mellow and so extremely happy after hearing this for the 34th time, as I normally do after hearing a mix by S&B.
Check this fan mix out. And whilst you are at it, check out Smith & Brown on Facebook! It's so worth it, if you love Tech Trance.

DJ: Hamilton
Genre/Style: Tech Trance, Trance
Mix Info: Smith & Brown Mix
Length Mix: 00:58:46
Tracks: 12 (twelve)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): LISTEN HERE
File Size: unknown File Type: unknown Bitspeed: unknown More Information: Smith & Brown - Facebook Fanpage