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  • Writer's pictureMartin van Zeelandt / TCD

The Horrorist - HATE Podcast 115 (2019)

Who doesn't know the Horrorist? A Hardcore legend, but one that has keep critics busy over the years. This Hardcore DJ and producer (that's how I know him, not his Techno side) has made a few Hardcore anthems, and I have to put a downer on the review now, the record 'Flesh Is The Fever' being voted 'best record of 1997' has to be (for me) the most boring record of all time. A record which I find overrated. Never liked this record. Too weird and too much 'not me'. But how come I am writing a review of his HATE podcast, if I don't like that record? Surely something must have drawn me towards him?

Well, I heard the 'One Night In NY City', remixed by Chris Liebing. I do like that record, even though the lyrics are extremely dark and sketchy. I wondered at the time what else of his back catalogue was on Soundcloud, and this pushed me towards this HATE podcast. Not familiar with this podcast series, and I have to say that the name is kind of unusual. HATE podcast? HATE? Kind of quirky, and it does stand out. At first I saw this and maybe they used the concept 'hate records', meaning the artists would only play records they despise, but that's not the case.

Again, I only know the Horrorist from the Hardcore heydays, but to hear this Techno mix has changed my perspective on this man. I'm still not liking 'Flesh Is...', but I have decided to start listening to this mix with an open mind, and boy, that has changed my life! It's still dark and edgy, this mix, but oh so good! I much more prefer this side of the Horrorist than the Hardcore side. There, I've said it!

01. Audio Injection - Darker (Original Mix)

02. Folker Zwart - Shade 7 (Jeff Rushin Repaint)

03. Robert Hood - Clocks (Original Mix)

04. Giovanni Carozza - Old Contact (Original Mix)

05. Alex Bau & Mikael Jonasson - Und3rjord (Original Mix)

06. Jeroen Search - Isabor (Original Mix)

07. Mattias Fridell & Alexander Johansson - Classical Monologues (Original Mix)

08. Tafkamp - Shhhh

09. Randomer & Cadans - Anchor (Len Faki Hardspace Mix)

10. Slam - Structure (Original Mix)

11. Schmutz - Carp (Skudge Remix)

12. Persohna - Untitled 04 (Original Mix)

13. Jay Lumen - Connected (Original Mix)

14. Missing Channel - Legion Of Hunger

15. Truncate - Bodega (V2)

16. Ade Fenton - Brooklyn (Original Mix)

17. Guyver's Connection - National Und Standerat (Original Mix)

I'm sitting here, typing away, and highly enjoying this podcast. Back in the 90s I would never have thought that I would listen to a Techno mix by the Horrorist. How things change, eh? And as I said before, I do prefer this Techno side of him. You cannot go wrong with Techno. Techno is the friendliest scene of them all. So pure and unadulerated. Unchanged. Simplistic, yet the most real of them all. The coolest sound ever created by mankind. And to hear this on a Saturday morning... what else could you wish for?

I can only give credit to Oliver Chesler, a.k.a the Horrorist, for making this truly astonishing Techno mix. Not heard a Techno mix in a while, and when I first listened to this mix fully, I was blown away. The sheer madness is just beyond belief. I've really felt the vibes coming through the speakers, and love the dark and edgy Techno music. I just love it.

Absolutely insane mix. A masterpiece. No errors, no flaws. Go and listen to this right now. Don't get the last record though, but that's just me.

Best record? All 16. Not the last one. Doesn't fit, but that's a personal opinion. I do find it soooo 80s though. That's cool.

No HATE for this mix. Only LOVE!

DJ: The Horrorist

Genre/Style: Techno

Mix Info: The Horrorist - HATE Podcast 115

Length Mix: 00:59:52

tTracks: 17 (seventeen)

Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): DOWNLOAD/LISTEN

File Size: 137 MB

File Type: mp3

bBitspeed: 320kbps

More Information: HATE - Soundcloud Page

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