I've been offline for a few days, charging up my battery back in the Netherlands. But now my battery is fully recharged again, time to start reviewing again. And one of the first mixes I've found on Soundcloud was made by my old pal ViperStar, and he teamed up with someone called Sqxishie. Never heard of the second name, but today is my lucky day: I get to be introduced to this new name in my books. And the other added bonus is the fact that this mix you are about to listen to, contains UK Hardcore anthems! Two birds with one stone, eh?
It's been a while since I last heard a ViperStar mix. Must be a few years at least, right? But one thing I do remember was the fact that he likes to make a mix quirky. He would have the finest UK Hardcore anthems in a mix but also a few obscure ones. And would you Adam and Eve it, he's done it again. This time with Sqxishie, you get the big Hardcore anthems, and a few records I've never heard before. A mixture of literally everything.
But are you ready for the happiness? Are you excited enough to indulge yourself into the wonderful world of ViperStar and Sqxishie? Are you though? Well, if you are, you will be greeted by a lot of wicked anthems, old and new, known and unknown, all mixed together into this one hour-ish long mix. What a pleasant way to start your week with.
Here's the tracklist:
Breeze & Styles - Electric 2010
Jose Hardcore - We Do Hardcore
RLD - PSA (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper Remix)
Ravers Unite - Hardcore Vibes (Sy & Unknown Remix)
Orbit1 - Jitter 0,5
Cheever - The Definition (VIP Mix)
Re-Con & Squad-E - Can't Buy Me Love
Dougal & Gammer - Fire In The Sky
Code Black & Atmozfears - Accelerate (Darren Styles Edit)
Ultrabeat vs Darren Styles - Discolights
Flip 'N' Fill feat Kelly Llorenna - True Love Never Dies (Darren Styles Remix)
Weaver & JTS - Phantasy
Darren Styles feat Molly - Never Forget You
Lumin8 - Pretty Eyes (A.B Remix)
Billy Daniel Bunter & Sparky feat Fraz - Keep On Trying
Ham - Epic Riff
Dougal & Gammer - Save A Life
Ruffage & Serenity - Headlong Into Mischief
JAKAZID feat Barry Scott - Cillit Bang
Aluna - All Of My Life (Breeze & Styles Remix)
Klubfiller feat Kyla - On A Cloud
Tronik & Olly P - Fire Inside The Vain
Re-Con - Bang 9
Re-Con - Just Release Me
Re-Con & Demand feat Mandy Edge - I'm Sorry
Yes, yes yes. This has made my day, and it has given me enough energy to keep me dancing throughout the week ahead. It's only Monday, but I'm already experiencing a UK Hardcore buzz, and I'm well up for it. Give me more UK Hardcore.
They both selected wicked anthems, and I do like the mixture of known and unknown. And it raises the question, what do you prefer, the old or newer UK Hardcore? Which camp are you in? The new or the old? Well, a mix like this one shows me that I can like both, but my preference goes to the old stuff. Especially after hearing 'All Of My Life' by Aluna , remixed by Darren Styles and Breeze. Come on, nothing can beat the classics, right?
A few wicked anthems in here. Got to give ViperStar and Sqxishie credit for choosing wicked records. Really enjoyed myself.I felt like Marty McFly, going backward and forward in time. It's been a pleasant trip, if truth be told. And nicely mixed too.
If you like UK Hardcore, jump on this mix, and press play. You won't be dissatisfied.
Maybe the only side note: the size of this is 675 MB! Wowsers.
DJs: ViperStar & Sqxishie
Genre/Style: UK Hardcore, Happy Hardcore
Mix Info: ViperStar & Sqxishie - Rave Tunes Vol 1
Length Mix: 01:06:48
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: 675 MB
File Type: .wav
Release Year: 2021
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
More Information: ViperStar & Sqxishie - Soundcloud Channel