Januskopf. Not a name I've seen before, and he seems to be fairly new on Soundcloud, but someone reposted/shared the mix somewhere, and I had to jump on it, as it's filled with UK Hardcore from those glorious Millennium years. And this takes me back to the early years of me reviewing: this was the reason why I started doing this. I was trying to get UK Hardcore more known, especially in the Netherlands. I've unfortunately failed, but I still keep on doing it, as I'd much rather do this, as it's my hobby. And I'm a rather useless person, can't do anything else. Bullshit writing, yes, I'm good at that.
This reminds me of the early years, when I discovered UK Hardcore. Januskopf's mix contains the big records we all love, adore, and have sang along to. And it's nice to see a mix done by a fellow Dutchman. But let's focus on the music, and the tracks he has selected. They are by a wide variety of artists, released on multiple labels, but what they all have in common, is the fact they were released during the 00s. The oldest one is from 2003, the 'youngest' is from 2009.
Those, to me, are the best years. The music suited me the most, and Januskopf's selection contains really the anthems that were played everywhere. You could not listen to a tape without these songs appearing, and the same applied to CDs in HMV or anywhere they would sell them. These songs were certified anthems,
Without further ado, let me show you the tracklist. You should definitely check it out!

Interstate - Hardcore Hustler
Styles & Breeze - Do You Want Me Honey
Force & Ritmen feat Lisa Abbott - Out Of Sight
UFO - Punk Access
Scandal & Kaos Theory feat Becky - Luv Shy
UFO & Supreme feat Shelly Clifford - Best Days
The Mexican & Girdler Synthetic - Energize (Cube::Hard Remix)
Clear Vu - Never To Late (Re-Con Remix)
Scott Brown - Blue Room (Kev Willow Remix)
Alchemist & Fade - Keep On Trying (Darwin Remix)
Sc@r & Miss Special K - Bitch Goes Boom
Jamie Ritmen feat Marie Louise - Lost In Your World
Dandy Crouch feat Shelly - Emotions & Dreams (Kurt Mix)
Audiolush - Take Me Away (Brisk & Vagabond Remix)
Cube::Hard - Hold The Beat (Gammer Remix)
Al Storm - Skank
Wow. There's a few big hitters in here, but also a few forgotten classics. It's a nice mixture of everything from those wonderful years. And those sounds, you cannot reproduce them anymore. They are so 2000-ish, linked to that decade. UK Hardcore was a different breed of music, and the fans loved the music. Happy Hardcore died many years before, but the happier side of Hardcore was kept alive in the UK. And for that, I thank them all!
If only more Dutch people were into this, this could have been so much bigger, better, and more bolder (to quote the legendary Human Resource).
The tracks all have a very happy vibe surrounding it, and I'm really digging it. It keeps the listeners happy, and locked into this mix. Januskopf makes sure you get the dosage required. Your fixture. Your requirements. Your doctor might have prescribed them to you, to have on a daily basis, and I think this mix is just perfect.
Best record? It has to be the Brisk & Vagabond remix of Audiolush's 'Take Me Away', closely followed by Clear Vu's 'Never To Late', remixed by Re-Con.
A solid mix with a lot of big hits. I'm sitting here, eyes closed, reminding myself of what kind of music was released between 2000 and 2010, and I'm content.
Can't wait for the next instalment, I need more of these mixes!

DJ: Januskopf
Genre/Style: UK Hardcore, Happy Hardcore
Mix Info: 00s UK/Happy Hardcore Vinyl Mix (part 1)
Length Mix: 01:16:14
Tracks: 16 (sixteen)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): STREAM HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Bit Rate: unknown
Release Year: 2023
More Information: Januskopf - Soundcloud Channel
Hey, Martin! Jan(uskopf) here... Thanks for the five-star review :) Actually I've been active in a number of dance genres since 2004, but the Januskopf alias is pretty new indeed. To those who don't know: I'm also using it to release Early & Happy Hardcore tracks (the 90s Dutch sound though), currently on the label Rave Muzik. https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ZgNhx98gsCICA27LaAyxD
I've only recently got inspired by DJ Cotts "What Hardcore Used To Be" mixes on YouTube and afterwards bought a big batch of used UK/Happy Hardcore records online. I wasn't even aware which ones were the 'big classics', haha. What appears in the mix is simply my personal taste and I love playing good ol' vinyl :) Shame it was such an…