Happy Hardcore. I do love it a lot. My love for it emerged back in 1994, and is still present. It's coming up to 30 years of Happy Hardcore in my life, which is a very long time, but I could not have lived through the 90s and not have experienced this madness. This cheerfulness. It was a warm welcome, a nice escape from the harder side of Hardcore. A bit of cheese won't hurt no one. And guess what kind of music is in the mix you are about to listen to? You've guessed it: Happy Hardcore! A mix to promote the Colosseum's Rebirth party, which takes place on the 4th of November at the Fed in Gateshead. And it's mixed by DJ Colin Bell, who's also on the flyer, as you can see!
The line-up looks OK. A lot of unknown names, but that could be because I've never been to one of these Colosseum events. So instead of focussing on the event, let's focus on this promo mix. And the promo mix contains all the cheese you need. Well, not everything is cheese, but some tracks certainly are. But the good kind of cheese, not the smelly, discoloured cheese. The good kind of cheese we all love and appreciate!
This mix has been on repeat for a few days now, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I'm not the only one who appreciates Colin's mix. It's a nice blend of the well known classics, and some lesser known anthems. And when I say lesser known, I mean that they don't get played that often, which is a pity, as they deserve to be played more. But yeah, this mix resembles my youth. This is what I listened to when I was a little lad. The only thing for me to do, is to close my eyes, and in a split second I am a teenager again, covered in spots and wacky hair, but enjoying Happy Hardcore!

Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Live At London (The Big 'Bang' Mix)
Obsessive - Tune In Turn Out (Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo Remix)
Bertocucci Feranzano - XTC Love (Original Mix)
Rave Nation - Going Crazy (Forze DJ Team Mix)
Discofrisco & DJ Inferno - Happy Paradise
DJ Isaac - Happy Hardcore Freak
Stingray - Let The Bass Be Louder (Original Mix)
El Bruto - Watch Me Dance
Brothers In Crime - Hallucinating
Lock Jaw - Reactor
Phoenix - (Now) Who's In Control?1
Davie Forbes - Apocalypse Now
Hyperact - My Best Friend (Dirty Mix)
Twin Terror - I Feel Alive (Terror Mix)
Mindtrust - The Key To Your Heart (Bass-D & King Matthew Remix)
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo - Your Smile (Happy Hardcore Mix)
Infernus - I Want Your Love (Bass-D & King Matthew Remix)
Highlander - Hold Me Now (Bass-D & King Matthew Remix)
Diss Reaction - Jiieehaaaa
I do love seeing a tracklist that contains these tracks. I grew up with these anthems, so it's nice to see them again. It's like meeting old friends again after a long time. You wouldn't have many stories to share, but the only thing you do share, if the past you all experienced. And this, to me, feels like that.
Anyway, let's get back to the mix. And the mix is tight. It's got so many tracks in it, that will go down well at this rebirth event. Hell, if it works in my living room, it will certainly work on the dancefloor, right? Especially when I hear those Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo records, or records made by Bass-D & King Matthew. Boy, they were the top 2 duos of the 90s. But even though it's got one of my most favourite records in here ('Your Smile'), I've got to give the El Bruto record all the credit. 'Watch Me Dance' is such a powerful anthem!
Were they all Dutch Happy Hardcore anthems? Not 100% sure?
A solid mix. A good promo mix for the event. And a certain trip down memory lane. They don't make them like these anymore. Shame...

DJ: Colin Bell
Genre/Style: Happy Hardcore, Happy Rave
Mix Info: Colosseum Rebirth Promo Mix - Classic 90’s Dutch Happy Hardcore - Vinyl Only
Length Mix: 01:06:45
Tracks: 19 (nineteen)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): STREAM HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
Release Year: 2023
More Information: DJ Colin Bell - Soundcloud Channel