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  • Writer's pictureMartin van Zeelandt / TCD

Gabber Your Ass Off! 90s Gabber & Terror (2021)

I've been a very busy bee today. And now yet another review for you all, one I found by accident. I cannot remember what I was looking for, what my keywords were, but I found this mix, made by Ballse HC. And according to the title it contains Gabber and Terror music from the 90s, and that's always a good thing for me to hear. He's also wearing a Thunderdome shirt, so another bonus. And is he holding a baseball bat? Oh oh, does that mean I can't write anything negative, otherwise he might bash my brains in?

All funny things aside, let's focus on the mix. Not familiar with the DJ who made this mix, so let's dive straight into the nitty gritty, the dirty business. The business we call Hardcore music. And the music in this mix slightly harder and rougher compared to your standard Hardcore mix. But all in all a nice hard mix.

He also played a few tracks I do not hear very often. And when I say very often, I mean never. They used to appear on many compilations, but now they are forgotten about. Some were also too fucking hard, or too non-PC. But that's so appealing to me, I like it when Hardcore is a bit off and wrong.

You'll understand what I'm saying when you just scroll down a tiny bit and look at the tracklist:

  1. Nasenbluten - Feeling Shit (Drokz Remix)

  2. DJ Dione - Energy

  3. Lords Of The Underworld - Loose Control

  4. DJ Raffe - DJ Raffe

  5. DJ Promo - The Incredible

  6. 3 Steps Ahead - Gangster (Feel So Good)

  7. The Ender - Me So Horny

  8. Delta 9 - Listen

  9. Delta 9 - Never Stop (Remix)

  10. Master Bation - House Of Hell (DJ Jordens & DJ Pavo Remix)

  11. DJ Delirium - Sound Of The Beast (Rob Gee Remix)

  12. Bass-D & King Matthew - House

  13. Delta 9 - Son Of A Bitch

  14. Twin Terror - Hardcore Soldier

  15. ISR Live - DOA Mash

  16. ISR Live - Nasen Mash

  17. Nasenbluten - Shaftman (Delta 9 Remix)

  18. Wendy Milan - Sisterfuck

  19. Delta 9 - Head Strong (Full On Remix)

  20. Temper Tantrum & Strychine - Extreme Terror III

This reminds me of Hellsound, the CD compilation series from the 90s. I don't know why, but most of the tunes did appear on these CDs, and were maybe too hard and too rough for compilations such as Thunderdome. And you can trust me: I've listen to a lot of these Hellsound CDs, and still appreciate them a lot.

I do love to hear mixes that don't follow the standards, fall outside of conformity. And this is certainly one of those mixes. You love it or you hate it. But you have to be honest and say that this isn't your 'typical' Hardcore anthem you think about when you think of early Hardcore, right? That's what makes this mix so great, because as less important as you might think they are, they still had a huge impact on the scene, and I remember raving the night away, always hearing a fucking hard song as last one of the night, and giving it all I had, before going back home.

The tracks are solid, and hard. It goes from 'normal' speed Hardcore to full on Terror. And I love it. The first track sets the tone, and give you enough confidence to give this mix a go. The best song in this mix has to be 'Gangster' by 3 Steps Ahead. One of the slower songs, but so memorable. Probably 3 Steps Ahead's finest records ever.

There are a few mixing errors, but nothing major. You will still enjoy this mix a lot. So why not give this a go?

DJ: Ballse HC

Genre/Style: Early Hardcore, Gabber, Terror

Mix Info: Gabber Your Ass Off! 90s Gabber & Terror

Length Mix: 00:35:54

Tracks: 20 (twenty)

Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE

File Size: unknown

File Type: unknown

Release Year: 2021

Audio: Stereo

Sample Rate: unknown

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