Jason S, the mighty megamix master, has uploaded last year a special edition of his 'Holland Is Hardcore' mix series. It was a pre-millennium edition, containing (how exciting) pre 2000 records. And if you don't have a clue what this mix series is about, let me introduce you to this mighty mix series: Jason S selected the finest Dutch records, and when I say Dutch records, I do mean Dutch records. Vocals and artists are Dutch. So if you are not Dutch, you might be struggling understanding the lyrics. But don't worry, I sometimes struggle too!
So in this mix you will find really old gems, really old anthems. The majority of ravers have forgotten these anthems, but thanks to Jason S we are reminded to listen to the really old stuff. Raw and unadulterated music, when the Dutch were discovering what they could make with the most basic equipment (compared to what we can make nowadays). And the lyrics/vocals/weird Dutch sentences do make me smile. Like 'hey referee, kick him in the nuts' (hey scheids! schop 'm voor z'n klotuh), 'The Flying False teeth' (het vliegend kunstgebit), the skippy ball (de skippybal) and more. It's just so funny and quirky at the same time, and yet the music is raw, rough, and experimental.
The tracklist will put a smile on each and every Dutchman/woman. The titles of these records are just so ridicilously funny!
01. Jason S - Intro: Leren Miksen Les 1
02. Euromasters - Amsterdam, Waar Lech Dat Dan??? (Maastunnel Mix)
03. Hardhead - Tu Tu Tu (Darkmix)
04. General Noise - Rotterdam Subway
05. Gmoork - Het Vliegende Kunstgebit
06. DJ J.D.A. - Voel Je Die Bass
07. Euromasters - Alles Naar De Klote (Rotterdam Mix)
08. Zultan - De Dondergod
09. Euromasters - Noiken In Die Koiken (Hoi) 10. Enfant Terrible - P.W.A.
11. Hardliners - Pikke Poeli Mellow
12. The Carpenter - Zaguhh
13. Boom Terrorism - Gabberhouse
14. Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - Ik Wil Dansen (The Remix)
15. Euromasters - Oranje Boven
16. Vitamin - Alice In Donderland
17. Euromasters - Houw Je Bek
18. Vitamin - De Woeste Man (Geb. 101 Mix)
19. Rotterdam Termination Source - Poing (Maurice Steenbergen Remix)
20. Éch Heftag! - De Haag Hakke !! (orritsjinul miks) 21. Bodylotion - Happy Is Voor Hobo's
22. Cookiemunsta - De Egotrip (Ikke) 23. Euromasters - Hé Scheids!... Schop 'M Voor Z'n Klotûh
24. Vitamin - De Skippybal
25. DJ J.D.A. & Delta Nine - Real Hardcore En Anders Niks
26. Éch Heftag! - Uit Je Dakkie
27. Bodylotion - Mellow Moenie Mauwe
28. Bodylotion - Ik Will Hakke!
29. Vitamin - De Ongestelde Flamingo
30. De Klootzakken - Dominee Dimitri (Ach Man)
If you are Dutch and you are laughing right now, you have read the tracklist. if you are not and you are sitting there, scrolling through Google translate figuring out what the hell these titles mean, you might just not do that, and appreciate the music, as much as you can. We the Dutch are weird in general, and with this mix by Jason S he proves to us that we are unique.
The Dutch language is one of the weirdest in the world: it sounds to foreigners like we are having a cough constantly, and the words do not make any sense. For example: how would you explain track 29 to foreigners? Or track 9, or track 5? For us it has a 'normal' meaning, but to outsiders they are flabbergasted by the stupidity of the titles. But that's just the fun of it, and that was normal during the early 90s.
Jason's mix contains some idiotic records, weird records, quirky records, annoying records, and extremely catchy songs. As we speak, I'm listening to this mix in London with 3 British citizens in this house, and no one has a clue (besides me) what the lyrics are about. I feel like I'm living in my own bubble. My Dutch bubble. And all that thanks to Jason S.
His mix has got great records, and to pick one is difficult. I really liked the transition from 'Het Vliegende Kunstgebit' to 'Voel Je Die Bass', but the record that stays in my head the longest is 'Ik Wil Dansen'. That's just such a catchy tune with simple lyrics, what else do we need? But even the 'Ongestelde Flamingo' is catchy.
Another awesome mix by this megamix master! Check it out right now!
Ps. all the older reviews have sadly disappeared due to my previous website crashing, but don't worry: you can find Jason S's mixes all on Mixcloud!
DJ: Jason S
Genre/Style: Hardcore Techno, Hardcore House, Gabber
Mix Info: Holland Is Hardcore - Pre-Millennium Editie
Length Mix: 01:04:54
Tracks: 30 (thirty)
Download/Listen (via Mixcloud): LISTEN HERE
File Size: unknown File Type: unknown Bitspeed: unknown More Information: Jason S - Mixcloud Page