As you all know, I am a huge fan of Mauro Picotto. The sets he had around the beginning of the Millennium are still one of the greatest of all time. Many events I have checked out, and all of them state that his sets were the highlight of the evening. Mauro always brings the fire, and today I found a set, 19 years old, but still strong enough to get you dancing. A set recorded at Qlimax back in 2001. And back then the tickets were more 'acceptable', wouldn't you agree? 15 Dutch Guilders, which is roughly 6.81 Euros! How's that for an entry fee?
And the party didn't stop at the entrance. Two areas, with the following names playing: Dana, Gary D, Jon The Dentist, Kai Tracid, Lisa Loud, MC Ruffian, Acid Junkies, Alpha2, Bas & Ram, Marco V, and Michel de Hey. And of course, the legend from Italy: Mauro Picotto. Can't believe that it was only 15 Guilders. Unbelievable. You can't even get a drink for that value. But hey ho, things have changed, and the Guilders are in the past. Also Qlimax's diversity. This specific event had DJs playing Hardcore, Hardstyle, Trance, Hard Trance, Hard House, Techno, and more. Not bound to 'one' style or genre. Qlimax had literally everything for the ravers.
Can you now see why I liked the early events so much? Not the early early ones, but the ones around the Millennium. So diverse, and so fresh. For 100 Guilders you would be hammered, and go home with a t-shirt, or whatever floats your boat. And you still had tokens left in your pocket! The good old days. Sometimes I do miss those days. Especially now, when I am sitting at home, browsing the world wide web for excellent content. And today's set is one I couldn't ignore. Mauro Picotto is a fucking legend. Or as the MC mentions, Mario Picotto (pfff, when will MCs learn to just stay silent).
Anyway, let us indulge ourselves into the Millennium sound of Mauro Picotto, and see what kind of records were used during this memorable set.

Mauro Picotto - Luna
Simon Foy - Insideout (Simon Foy Mix)
Gabry Fasano - Catapulta
Russian Roulette - Hammer Me Hard
Axel - Drumfiles 1.0
Marco Bailey - The Green Hornet (The Advent Remix)
Chris Liebling - Next Try EP
Mauro Picotto - Baguette
DJ Elite - That Fuct Camera
Mauro Picotto - Hong Kong
Ben Sims - Manipulated (Adam Beyer Remix)
Mauro Picotto - Bangkok
Mario Piu - Mathmos
Athos - Infect
John Thomas - Undisputed Life (Technasia Remix 2)
Gaetano Parisio - Pain 23 (Side A1)
Mark Broom - J 2000
Relic - No Silence EP
Gabry Fasano - Ringmo
Chris McCormack - There Are Better Ways
Headroom - Hunt
Mauro Picotto - Verdi
Joy Kitikonti - Joyenergizer (Psico Mix)
You don't know if you miss something if you aren't reminded of it. And today I was reminded that I miss this specific Techno sound a FUCKING lot! This is a sound you don't hear anymore, or maybe not that often. I remember specifically that I went to raves, and heard these tunes coming at me through the massive speakers in front of the stage. I couldn't care less about the world, or how many Watts the speakers were: as long as my chest was rhythmically moving along to the beat.
I wish I was at this event. This year was tremendous for me, as I went to a shit ton of events. I missed this event, and I am gutted. Or shall I say, I miss the fact that I did not hear the master play a set as fucking epic as this one. He has done a few epic sets that I can remember, but this one is in the top three Mauro Picotto sets. Another one was recorded at Mysteryland, and I downloaded it using Limewire. Sorry Mauro. But to consolidate, my computer did crash because of a Trojan horse. Illegal downloading was and still is bad.
Anyway, let's talk about this epic set. Nothing to complain about. Well, maybe about the MC. Never was, and never will be a fan of MCs. And the MC ruins the set slightly. But thankfully he doesn't speak that much, so that's OK.
Seriously, mixing wise and track wise I've got no negative feedback. It's a blinding set, and you should check it out. Not only can you find it on Soundcloud under multiple accounts, but also on Youtube and Mixcloud and more. It's a well sought set, and the reason why might be obvious: an hour and a half of pure orgasms.
Best record? The one with the weirdest name: 'Baguette'. Love it!

DJ: Mauro Picotto
Genre/Style: Techno
Liveset Info: Recorded @ Qlimax 2001
Length Liveset: 01:34:20
Tracks: 23 (twenty-three)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): LISTEN HERE
File Size: unknown
File Type: unknown
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: unknown
More Information: Mauro Picotto - Official Website