Acid Trance. Now that's something I like. Not just the fact that it's Trance, which is already epic, but more Acid-y. Music I don't hear very often. And it's music that is still appreciated a lot around the world. So when I saw this mix the other day, I had to jump on it. And thankfully it came with a tracklist, so that's another added bonus. Acid Trance AND a tracklist? It's like Christmas has come early this year. Oh, and it's also downloadable, so not only has Santa arrived, he left us a present too. Unless you are old enough to NOT believe in Santa...
As much as I love Acid Trance, I'm not a connoisseur. I know a few tracks and a few artists, but that's it. I'm more of a person who appreciates it, but hasn't spent a lot of time investigating the style. I should, but I simply haven't. If you are the same type of person, it is like the blind leading the blind. But maybe I shouldn't be leading, and it should be the music leading you on a journey into the wonderful world of Acid Trance.
The DJ in question who made this mix is also unknown to me: Jase Fase. So instead of giving you more useless bits of information, shall we instead just focus on the mix and the tracks used? Maybe that's a better idea, because my rambling does not contribute to anything at the moment.
So, the tracklist, here it is:

Cores - Oxygen
Emmanuel Top - Acidphase
Remote - The Spirit
Kenji Oguri - Cybertech
Ludo - Time
Kai Tracid - Trance & Acid
Shredda - Chainsaw
DJ Dean - Bad House Music
Mike Nero - Hardcore Feelings
Aponauth - Warpath
Ludo - Transfixed
Dizmaster - Acid Blade
A short but sweet looking tracklist. I think. Only know 20% of the artists, but yeah, I think it does look good. What do you think?
To me this sounds like the music released back in the early 2000s. I could be completely wrong and out of touch, but it feels like it. This Acid sounding Trance music was so big back then, I remember buying a lot of compilation containing this kind of music. I think the most Acidic sounding Trance could be found on Bitte Ein Beat, right? Or am I talking nonsense again?
Again, I don't know much about the style or the DJ who made this, but I really liked the outcome. The hour has flown by, an it's been a pleasant journey. When I saw the title of this mix, I jumped straight on it, and I knew instantly that this was the right mix for me. Yes, it's got some small mixing errors, but nothing to write home about.
A good hour of Acid Trance to get you through the weekend. Who doesn't like that?
Best track? Kai Tracid's 'Trance & Acid'. Classic Trance anthem. Really love it!

DJ: Jase Fase
Genre/Style: Acid Trance, Hard Trance
Mix Info: Trancing With Acid June 22
Length Mix: 01:00:12
Tracks: 12 (twelve)
Download/Listen (via Soundcloud): CLICK HERE
File Size: 137 MB
File Type: mp3
Audio: Stereo
Sample Rate: 320kbps
Release Year: 2022
More Information: Jase Fase - Soundcloud Channel